His last interview was at SKAI TV,
Most analysts/commentators do not bother to draw conclusions from them. One exception is
Mark Weisbrot who attended Tsipras 's presentation and interview at Columbia Univ. in February.
It seems that Weisbrot was "taken" by young Alexis
Unlike most of the eurozone’s leaders, he knows what is wrong with Greece and the eurozone, and so does his party: austerity. “We have become the guinea pig for barbaric, violent neoliberal policies,”
He naturally draws the one conclusion one can make heeding to Tsipras sayings:
What is the alternative, if Greeks refuse to submit to the “barbaric, violent, neoliberal” experiment any longer? Clearly it would involve exiting the euro, and re-negotiating the Greek debt.
Well, I am not so sure about the second part of his conclusion, the re-negotiating bit, but I am totally in tune with the first part. What other conclusion can anyone draw?
Mark Weisbrot goes on and argues for grexit, but acknowledges
But economic reality is one thing, and political reality is another. Tsipras and the Syriza party don’t propose leaving the euro, and I would not criticize them for that. A political party cannot move too far ahead of the electorate, and it could be that the majority of the country is not ready to get rid of the euro. A government that decided to go that route would want strong backing from the public, and the ability, leadership, and expertise to do it right, so as to minimize the initial damage.