Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Three big macro questions for 2014 | Gavyn Davies

Three big macro questions for 2014 | Gavyn Davies

Today, this blog offers a year end assessment of three crucial issues that relate to this: the supply side in the US; China’s attempt to control its credit bubble; and the ECB’s belief that there is no deflation threat in the euro area

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Coppola Comment: Weird is Normal

Coppola Comment: Weird is Normal: My latest post at Pieria: "Three years ago, Nick Rowe produced  this post  describing a “weird world” – a world in which the equilibr...

Monday, December 2, 2013

Intelligence2 Angela Merkel is Destroying Europe

BBC World News will broadcast a 45 min edit of this debate on 7th December at 09.10 and 20.10 (GMT) and on 8th December at 02.10 and 15.10 (GMT).

For the motion:

for the motion

Mehdi HassanMehdi Hasan

Political director of the Huffington Post UK, biographer of Labour leader Ed Miliband and the author of an e-book on austerity myths

Euclid TsakalotosEuclid Tsakalotos

MP for the Syriza party in Greece, economic adviser to Alexis Tsipras, the party leader, and a professor of economics at the University of Athens

against the motion

Antony BeevorAntony Beevor

Award-winning historian of the Second World War

Christine OckrentChristine Ockrent

Belgian-born journalist and former chief operating officer of France 24 and RFI. She was also editor in chief of the weekly news magazine L’Express