Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The 2015 Euro Plus Monitor ; Lisbon Council

The Lisbon Council - think tank for the 21st century - Publications

The Greek Tragedy
The Greek experience provides a stark warning:
policy mistakes can be very costly.’
‘Rarely has corporate confidence plunged so badly
in any self-inflicted disaster.’

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Ι. Πανούσης: «Είμαι ένας μοναχικός καβαλάρης...» - γνώμες - Το Βήμα Online

Ι. Πανούσης: «Είμαι ένας μοναχικός καβαλάρης...» - γνώμες - Το Βήμα Online

σσ. Αυτά συμβαίνουν στην χώρα όπου οι προστάτες των δημοκρατικών θεσμών και του κράτους δικαίου είναι μάλλον κάτι άλλο:  και μη χειρότερα.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

What a devolved eurozone should look like | Centre for European Reform

We don't need no federation: What a devolved eurozone should look like | Centre for European Reform

At the heart of the eurozone's troubles lies a fundamental contradiction. On the one hand, the economics of a monetary union requires considerable integration of policies at eurozone level, and a high degree of economic discipline at national level. On the other hand, most people in the eurozone do not want to be ruled by some kind of 'eurozone government'. They prefer national democracies – of the sort that struggle to impose sufficient discipline. This contradiction is both intellectually and politically hard to resolve.